
' You Are Divine '...

You are Divine. It’s time to start being that; quit pretending your not. . . .

You are required right now. There is an amazing shift in consciousness and you are needed. Consciousness has been silently inviting you into your bigness.

Throw off all your smallness and all your veils.

Look at someone like Adyashanti - it’s clear he’s thrown off all his smallness, and look at Eckhart - you are the same Being.

And Ramana, and Buddha and Mohammed and Moses. You continue to pretend and go on with the suffering because of that, and you fail yourself.

Enough already! Have you had enough of smallness yet? It’s time now. I know you’re gods and you have all the freedom that gods have, but Enough Already.

Stillness is saying Enough Already. Can you feel it? Let’s all just unveil ourselves.

The gifts you’ve been given are not to be squandered, but to be shared.

-Pamela Wilson

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