
' An Unfinished Painting '...

I am divinity and I am a fucking mess.

I am God and I am a weird, original, flawed, unfinished painting of a “human being”.

I have no limits, and so I limit myself in ingenious ways.

I play with boundaries and edges, multiplicity and Oneness, form and the formless.

I love dancing in the in-between, bridging gaps, holding on and letting go, grabbing and releasing, coming closer and moving away, only to come closer again.

All movements are dear to me.

I have no bias, no prejudice.

I love the opening and the closing too, the space and the darkness.

I am perfection, and I love making the most ridiculous mistakes.

I learn from it all, delight in it all.

I am complete and I love the erotic ache of the unfinished and the unresolved too.

You will never capture me, yet I am always present; I dance peacefully, restlessly, on the edge where the world comes into form.

Will you join me here, my love?

- Jeff Foster

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