
' Falling into Grace '...

"There was a great Zen master named Dogen who lived hundreds of years ago, and one of his definitions of enlightenment was 'intimacy with the ten thousand things.' Of course, in the context of his teaching, the 'ten thousand things' refers to everything.

So when we open to this space of unknowing, we start to feel a literal intimacy with every part of our experience. The sense of distance starts to drop away, and arising within that field of unknowing is a sense of presence.

It's very subtle thing. We begin to touch upon something without boundaries, without walls, without definitions, without borders. We're touching upon something that's immensely vast.
By allowing yourself to viscerally and emotionally connect with this open expanse of being, it's possible that you will see that this open space of unknowing, this pure field of awareness, is actually what you are at the most essential level.

It's the part of you that has always existed and that never changes.

Everything that occurs comes to be within this field of awareness and pure being.

If you allow yourself to feel it, to sense it, you'll see that this deep field of unknowing has been with you all along, that there's literally not any moment, ever in your life, where it was absent."

- Adyashanti

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