
' Reality '...

The world is a reflection of your mind. The universe is an emanation of yourself. If you didn't exist there would be no universe. The universe exists because you exist. You are the universe and that's true of every so-called fact in your life. It's a fact that someone is dying and if someone dies, that's a fact but it's not the truth.

The truth is: we are all unborn. No one was ever born. If no one was ever born how can you die? No one was born and no one dies. Again I'm expressing my confession. That's how it appears to me. That's what I mean when I say, "This teaching is useless to most people", because you can't do anything with it, yet things happen, lives improve, spirituality grows, happiness ensues, bliss comes.

It all happens spontaneously. Just by being present and this Is what satsang is all about. By being present without taking thought without manipulation, without playing mind games, without trying to improve yourself, without thinking of yourself without thinking of others, everything good happens, all by its self. Why?

Because emptiness is goodness, nirvana is absolute reality.. The unborn is the Self and you are that - what else can I say. So what do you think about this? I'm open to questions.

- Robert Adams

1 comment:

Eros Thanatos said...

I think that's just the thing, i.e. the doing or the "will to succeed" is what gets in the way of self-knowledge and the utterly obvious truth that nothing was truly created by doing: we breathe without striving, the body maintains itself without striving, the senses operate without strife, the Universe exists without strife. Existence/consciousness in all its forms, including strife, is effortless. Strife is an effortless state of consciousness that when entered into allows us to experience struggle and hardship effortlessly. Indeed, consciousness is the only reality.