
' Appearing to Exist '...

Just because something exists, however, it
doesn't necessarily mean that it's real.

Reality is that which persists in all states;
waking life, dream life and in dreamless sleep.

If this is true, then, anything that fundament-
ally changes can't actually be considered as

That doesn't mean, of course, that it doesn't appear
to exist!

- Chuck Hillig

Seeds for the Soul
Chuck Hillig
Black Dot Publications, 2003

1 comment:

Eros Thanatos said...

Interesting blog this. Well, I'd use the words "exist" and "reality" synonymously. There is only reality or existence and that is consciousness which arranges in Infinite variety of states of mind. The only error is one of incomplete perception where the fragment is assumed to be the whole, the Observed to be the Observer, the transient to be the eternal or reliable, the demonstration of "power" to be the power itself. Consciousness is remarkable with its in-your-face subtlety and stupendously immeasurable power.