
' Separation Through Thought '...

If anything, "enlightenment" is pointing to the absence of reaching towards anything called "enlightenment."

Or stated another way, it is the realization that you were only ever reaching for your own thoughts, which were arising now. Insane, isn't it?

You realize that "enlightenment" is just an idea arising now, as is the notion of "you."

So the word "enlightenment" is pointing to the complete stepping out of the self-centered dream that there is a "you" on a "path" to "enlightenment."

When the dream goes, you see the whole.

You see 'This.'

You realize you are not separate from 'This' despite all your efforts to separate yourself through thought.

You see all thoughts about 'This' are simply arising in 'This.'

The seeking and finding arise and fall in 'This.'

'This' does not answer every question that gave rise to the illusion of the path.

It merely makes them not matter.

You realize that 'This' is what you were seeking on the illusory path.

-Scott Kiloby
Love's Quiet Revolution, p.78

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