
' Awakening to the Self '...

A popular notion and prevalent idea about awakening to the Self with a capital "S"/the Christ Nature/Buddha Nature./"who you really are" that the Self is some kind of undifferentiated "blob" of consciousness that is exactly the same in everyone that awakens to it.

But in the incarnational spirituality of the Christian Tradition of mysticism, who you really are is actually an amalgam, a blending, a mixture of the Christ Nature and the personal you! Your True Nature is a combination of Spirit or Pure, Absolute Consciousness clothing itself with you, incarnating as the personal and particular you inhabited and filled with the Spirit.

The mystery of the Indwelling Christ is not some kind of impersonal blob of pure consciousness that has absolutely no personal element to it. You offer your humanity to it so that it can come forth into the world as you! Not only does it NOT annihilate your humanity or the personal you, it fulfills it.

The particular incarnation of the Christ or the Self that you are will be different from the Christ that I will be in the world. Each divine incarnation of the Christ in each person is utterly unique, precious, personal and specific. It has never been seen before and will never be seen again for all eternity.

That is how precious and unique you are!

-Francis Fran Bennett

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