
' Breaking - Through '...

In the breaking-through, when I come to be free of will, of myself and of God's will and of all his works and of God himself, then I am above all created things, and I am neither God nor creature, but I am what I was and what I shall remain, now and eternally.

Then I receive an impulse, I receive such riches that God, as he is "God," and as he performs all his divine works, cannot suffice for me; for in this breaking-through I perceive that God and I are one.

Then I am what I was, and then I neither diminish nor increase, for I am then an immovable cause that moves all things.

Here God finds no place in man, for with this poverty man achieves what he has been eternally and will evermore remain.

Here God is one with the spirit, and that is the most intimate poverty one can find.

-Meister Eckhart

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