
' On the "Witness" '...

At this point, higher reason has almost finished all the work it can do. The gross world, the subtle world, that body and mind are no longer seen as though they exist outside of awareness.. Nothing is experienced as self-sustaining, independent thing, but rather as made of spontaneous arisings in the witnessing awareness.

Having realized the witness, you discover that you've always been home. You no longer feel that you were born or that you will die. If the universe itself perishes, you as awareness will be there.

You don't take any of this personally, because the structures that allowed this are seen never to have existed. You no longer feel lonely, separate or alienated in any way at all. You no longer compare your own spiritual attainments to those of another. You no longer wish to have another's experience, since it no longer seems that experience is in any way personal. Experience has become another term for this same global awareness.

Your experience is utterly sweet and open. The earlier descriptions of awareness as love now fully agree with your direct experience at every moment. It's not that sweetness is experienced as arisings which are pleasant. The sweetness is much deeper than that. It is not an arising object. Rather sweetness is globally felt as the very source and nature of the arisings. Even arisings that would normally be called "pain" are lovingly held as sweetness by this very same sweetness. Nothing is felt to be an exception to this perfect openness, clarity, love and sweetness. This is radical and revolutionary. And it is your natural state.

-Greg Goode, Standing as Awareness, Non-Duality Press

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