
' Brahman '...

It is a pity that one word is used for opposite methods.

We separate drsyam from drik only in preliminary stages, only temporarily in order to be able to point out later that this drsyam is Brahman (as every dream object can be pointed out to be only mind) and thus the ALL is explained as Brahman.

The final stage of Yoga (asparsa) is emphatically not to get rid of drsyam (thought objects) but to recognize all of them as Brahman.

The lower yogi suppresses them, but our aim is entirely different.

We do not kill the thought but examine it.

To carry out this examination we must have concentrated sustained thinking, and this is the use of lower yoga; then we have first to separate it--this is preliminary.

Afterwards we discover all thoughts to be as waves of one ocean, to have Brahman as their real essence or nature.

-- Notebooks Category 21: Mentalism > Chapter 5:
The Key To the Spiritual World > # 173
Paul Brunton

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