
' Zen Quotes '...

Here are some Zen quotes, all preceding the written texts of Dzogchen.

The quotes are from the texts found buried in the ancient library of Dunhuang, China. Many earliest Dzogchen texts were discovered in the same cave.

The material is from Sam Van Schaik’s book, “Tibetan Zen”.. He also discusses many of the early Dzogchen texts as well as masters who were recognized masters in both the Zen lineage as well as in the early Dzogchen tradition. I highly recommend everyone to purchase and read Sam’s book.

“Just so, those sons who pursue tathāgata meditation abide in the bliss of self-referential awareness, the noble supreme wisdom that is not mind, or ego, or the ego-consciousness. They do not accomplish it from a cause, and it is definitely not an effect. It is the activity by which you become a buddha of reality itself. After that, they do not descend to other levels...”

Namkhai Nyingpo:

“to cultivate it is to be the dharmakāya, complete and perfect. This is what we call the supreme accomplishment.”

“In the space of non-conceptualization, non-self shines forth. This dharma was entrusted to the great Kaśyapa. Dharmatāra meditated in this way. Nonconceptualization is clarity, and clarity is nonconceptual. This is the wisdom of your own awareness.”

“So, when a sage transforms the confused mind through the path of conceptual analysis, is that the mind’s nirvāṇa? No, it is not like this. The scriptures say: “The essential point of realization is nothing more than your own awareness.”

“In instantaneous practice, all external appearances are understood to be merely mind, and the internal mind is nothing more than imagination with mistaken concepts.”

“The great teacher said: When I teach this perfect dharma, I teach it as the truth in which everything is perfect.”

“The wisdom of the mental eye is able to know the truth of perfection.”

“Be without concepts, not even thinking of not thinking.”

“Single Method: “Sit without thinking or conceptualizing in the space of reality free from thought.”

- Jackson Peterson

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