
' The Goal of Dzogchen '...

The goal of Dzogchen, why Dzogchen exists, is to bring current consciousness to its primordial condition as the Mind of Clear Light.

When the state of current consciousness increases in vibrational frequency from its current lower frequency of contracted mind states, to the highest wave frequency of consciousness known as the Mind of Clear Light, the wisdom contained or encoded in the waves lengths of Clear Light, become its insights automatically.

Just like you can’t experience the information contained in FM radio waves with an AM radio, you can’t experience the wisdoms that exist at the frequency of Clear Light, with an ordinary human, dualistic mind consciousness.

Your mind or consciousness is the Mind of Clear Light, but in a contracted, energetic state centered around a “self concept” of “I am” experienced as “me”. This is like water becoming frozen and contracted into being a lump of ice.

In Bon we use the five elements to describe our different states of consciousness. The earth element of consciousness would be the most dense, as sem and egoic, whereas the space element aspect of consciousness is the Mind of Clear Light or rigpa.

Each elemental state of consciousness or density, could be loosely correlated to the samsaric domains of the Six Lokas. However the space element would represent the non-dual, nirvanic state of the Mind of Clear Light.

We could order these mind states sequentially where rigpa or the Mind of Clear Light would be like space and each other element compared to a state of water:

Water vapor

Each condition downward would be more localized, contracted and more dense then the one immediately above. The greater the localized density, the less wisdom is present.

Insights occur according to the momentary degree of the density of current consciousness. For example, in the most contracted and dense state you “think” like an animal or reptile. In the highest state your insights are that of a Buddha.

When your current mind state is directed to look inward at its own nature of empty, space like awareness, it may suddenly experience a flash of the wisdom that is primordially encoded in that wave length of consciousness; the Mind of Clear Light.

“This is integration with space, and we no longer feel limited by our bodies to one specific location but are present everywhere in space with no boundaries." Tenzin Wangyal

Dissolving the “ice of ego” within:

-Tenzin Wangyal

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