
' The Source of all Beingness '...

If you start playing the game of being an "enlightened somebody," the true teacher is going to call you on it.

He or she is going to expose you, and that exposure is going to hurt.

Because the ego will be there, standing in the light of Truth, exposed and humiliated.

Of course, the ego will cry "foul!"

It will claim that the teacher made a mistake and begin to justify itself in an effort to put its protective clothing back on.

It will begin to spin justifications with incredible subtlety and deceptiveness.

This is where real spiritual sadhana (practice) begins.

This is where it all becomes very real and the student discovers whether he or she truly wants to be free, or merely wants to remain as a false, separate, and self-justifying ego.

This crossroad inevitably comes and is always challenging.

It separates the true seeker from the false one.

The true seeker will be willing to bare the grace of humility, whereas the false seeker will run from it.

Thus begins the true path to enlightenment, granted only to those willing to be nobody. Discovering your "nobodyness" opens the door to awakening as beingness, and beyond that to the Source of all beingness.


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