

Nature speaks louder than the call from the minaret.

Bowl of Saki, by Hazrat Inayat Khan

Commentary by Pir-o-Murshid Inayat Khan:

One may ask, what should one study? There are two kinds of studies.
One kind is by reading the teachings of the great thinkers and
keeping them in mind, the study of metaphysics, psychology, and
mysticism. And the other kind of study is the study of life. Every
day one has an opportunity for studying; but it should be a correct
study. When a person travels in a tramcar, in the train, with a
newspaper in his hand, he wants to read the sensational news which is
worth nothing. He should read human nature which is before him,
people coming and going. If he would continue to do this, he would
begin to read human beings as though they were letters written by the
divine pen, which speak of their past and future. He should look
deeply at the heavens and at nature and at all the things to be seen
in everyday life, and reflect upon them with the desire to
understand. This kind of study is much superior, incomparably
superior, to the study of books.


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