
The Meaning of Life...

We have been trapped within the material worlds for so long that We have convinced Ourselves that We are that which We inhabit.. This could be any 'thing'.. not just the human form, as We take on the forms of life within many planets.. But, eventually, We want to return Home from Our journeys.. The interesting part of returning Home is that We have never left Home.. This is the point of 'Realization".. We 'Realize' that We were just 'Dreaming' of these experiences.. Therefore, It is time to Wake Up!.. It is an actual feeling of Awakening and Being Born at this second of Realization.. This is the 'Door' to Freedom that Jesus said to 'Knock upon'.. But, only 'I' can walk though the Door.. The Dream of separate self is abandoned.. The pain of separation, non-Love, and pain is abandoned.. This is the only reason that We are here.. This is the meaning of life................ namaste, thomas

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