
Husayn ibn Mansur al-Hallaj...

Husayn ibn Mansur al-Hallaj known as al-Hallaj (the wool-carder), he was put to death in Baghdad for having uttered ana 'l haqq (I am the Truth):

I am He whom I love,
and He whom I love is I:
We are two spirits
dwelling in one body.
If thou seest me,
thou seest Him,
And if thou seest Him,
thou seest us both.

al-Hallaj, Kitab al-Tawasin, in The Mystics of Islam, by Reynold A Nicholson

1 comment:

thomas ... said...

..... There is a long line of Mystics killed for uttering the Truth, including
Yeshua ben Yosef (Jesus)... this is why this Knowledge of Truth is often hidden
from those not ready to receive.. As Jesus said;" Do not throw pearls before
swine, as they will trample them into the mud"............ namaste, thomas