
The Desire for Love...

Why does every human seek Love?.. Why do even the evil humans seek Love?.. They seek it through friends,spouse,children, relatives,pets, etc... What are they looking for?.. The answer is of course, Happiness!.. In their Consciousness, they know that Love is Happiness.. They have just not connected the dots to find that Love is the absence of ego.. They have been convinced by the ego that desires of the ego such as power, wealth, social status, and the state of egotism is Happiness.. But, eventually through many lives of ego pain, they start to search for Happiness that does not contain pain.. Even, the evil that was adolf hitler was found in the very end of his life,to reach for Love.. his last act was to show and feel Love for his mistress by marrying her.. Love will always win in the end and always will conquer ego........... namaste, thomas

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