

"We're going to talk a lot about arrogance tonight in a
special way because when you hear the word or you use the
word you usually refer to a physical action of someone
who's in a commanding position over a group, over a class,
and they have an arrogant behavior toward the people that
they have the authority over. That indeed is arrogance, but
I want to talk to you tonight about another explanation of
arrogance that you don't even know you have, and it's doing
dreadful things to you. Arrogance, in its deep meaning,
simply means a refusal to listen to anything but your
acquired memorized life. Let's try that again. This is a
spiritual, unspiritual arrogance that I'm talking about.
All human beings are arrogant and destructive of their own
souls when they refuse to listen, when they know better, when
they don't want to hear what could save them from themselves
and from their acquired false notions about life."

from a talk given 11/20/1987
Vernon Howard's Higher World - MP3 CD Volume 16, talk 383

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