
' The Absolute Power '...

"Supremacy over others will never cause a man to find a change in himself; the greater his conquests the stronger is his confirmation of what his mind tells him — that there is no God other than his own power. And he remains separate from God, the Absolute Power.

"But when the same mind tells him that there is something which may be called God, and, further, when it prompts him to search for God that he may see Him face to face, he begins to forget himself and to forgive others for whatever he has suffered from them.

"And when he has forgiven everyone and has completely forgotten himself, he finds that God has forgiven him everything, and he remembers Who, in reality, he is."

-Meher Baba,
The Everything And The Nothing
Beacon Hill, Australia, Meher House Publications, 1963, p. 110

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