
' Zangtal '...

Tulku Urgyen:

“These three —resting freely, being pervasive and being wide open —are the three essential points of rigpa. Any other meditation training is usually stuck in either thinking that there is an object to keep in mind ‘over there’ or concentrating on something inwardly.

If one is not concentrating on anything here or there, one usually thinks there is a state to be retained in between. That becomes like conventional shamatha practice.

Letting go of these three reference points, there is total transparency, a complete openness that is an essential point of rigpa.

In Tibetan it is called zangtal, which means unimpededness.

It’s just like the window here: through it, you can unobstructedly see throughout the whole valley.

Another analogy is of a sieve, which allows poured liquid to flow straight through, not kept in any way whatsoever.

When training in rigpa, that quality of unimpeded openness should be understood as being the most essential.”

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