
' He who has faith, has all '...

"Creeds and sects matter nothing. Let every one perform with faith the devotions and practices of his creed.

Faith is the only clue to get to God. He who has faith has all, and he who wants faith wants all.

The faith-healers of India order their patients to repeat with full conviction the words, 'There is no illness in me, there is no illness at all.' The patient repeats it, and, thus mentally denying, the illness goes off. So if you think yourself to be morally weak and without goodness, you will really find yourself to be so in no time. Know and believe that you are of immense power, and the power will come to you at last.

Bhagavan Srî Ramachandra [Lord Rama] had to bridge the ocean before he could cross over to Lanka (Ceylon). But Hanuman, his faithful monkey-servant, with one jump crossed the ocean through the firmness of his faith in Râma. Here the servant achieved more than the master, simply through faith.

A man wanted to cross the river. A sage gave him an amulet and said, 'This will carry thee across.' The man, taking it in his hand, began to walk over the waters. When he reached the middle of the river curiosity entered into his heart, and he opened the amulet to see what was in it. Therein he found, written on a bit of paper, the sacred name of Rama. The man at this said deprecatingly, 'Is this the only secret?' No sooner had he said this than he sank down. It is faith in the name of the Lord that works miracles, for faith is life, and doubt is death."

-Sri Ramakrishna
in F. Max Muller
Ramakrishna: His Life And Sayings, 200-204
Longmans, Green, And Co., London & New York, 1898, p.
p. 143-144

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