
' The Source '...

More on “the Source”

The mind turns the source into a concept e.g., “God.” Thought cannot answer the question, “What is the source of life?” Thought arises from and falls back into that source. Form arises from formlessness. The source is the unknown. Thought is the realm of the known. The spiritual search can continue for years as the seeker keeps trying to know the source (i.e., emptiness, spirit, formlessness, God) through its manifestations (thoughts, questions, religions, beliefs).

In this moment, there is an unchanging, unmoving, formless, timeless awareness in which forms arise, giving the appearance of movement and change. These forms include thoughts, time, sounds, and emotions.

The question, “What is the source,” is ignorance. It arises from looking for the truth through a form that is arising—thought. Words can only point back to the formless source. The source must be directly recognized as the very life that you are.

When the “me” story is seen to be just another manifestation, no different than a cloud or a coke can, the temporary nature of it is realized. Attachment to that story naturally dies when the source (i.e., spirit) from which it comes is realized to be your true nature. That realization is only available now because this moment is all there is. Yesterday and tomorrow are just presently arising thoughts—more manifestations. The spiritual search for future awakening is, therefore, a denial of the spirit that is already awake and alive now.

-Kiloby, Scott. Reflections of the One Life: Daily Pointers to Enlightenment

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