
Return to Source...

Q: I see. I thought I was seeing myself as the wave. But if I really saw myself as the wave, then I wouldn't be separate from the ocean. So the wave can't see itself as separate from the ocean.

Papaji: You have to be ocean itself. You are the ocean.

When a wave arises, you be under the wave.

How is the wave different from the ocean itself?

Name, shape, and movement. All this is activity, but how is the ocean concerned with the wave's name, form, or movement?

Waves rise and fall and move about, and how is this the ocean's concern? You be the ocean first and then see. Where is the wave? Where is your ego?

These waves are only samsara arising from the ocean. Underneath is nirvana.

Ocean is nirvana. Emptiness. In that emptiness, waves arise. And in emptiness, if waves are moving, how are they different from emptiness itself? They are all empty!

So you have to return to the source, to emptiness, to the ocean, and then see how you feel, how you are different in activities, movement, name, form.

Wake Up and Roar
published by
Sounds True
Boulder, CO 80306

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