
Nothing there...

Q: There is nothing there!

P: Very good. You have done the job. And that is your nature. This is what you are. You have to wake up. You are consciousness. You are empty. You are just in this moment only. Whenever you see name and form you are sleeping. What do you see in the world without name and form?

Where is consciousness as pure, immaculate eternity, permanent happiness, love, and bliss? When you look from there, from emptiness, you see everything. Nothing beyond that. Nothing to do. Only to be as you are.

We have misconceived ourselves that we have been born and we are the body and we are suffering and we have to die. Where it comes from, nobody knows; it is just a concept. It is not real. You have been trained by your family, your society, your religion. Yet this emptiness is your own nature. This is what you are, and really you need not do anything about it. You need not do penance or retire to a cave.

This is what you have to understand. I now answered your question from your own mind. If you see from emptiness, you will just see the waves of the ocean. And this is your projection. When you wake up and say "I am Ken," instantly there is samsara. Only your projection. When you don't give rise to a thought, you return to emptiness, to consciousness. When one thought arises, the world arises. One thought is the world.

And even this is just your projection and not other than you, as you are one. Just as your eyes, you ears, your hands are not apart from you.

This is how the world is. All the beings, the birds, the flowers, the rocks—all you, your Self. If somehow you understand it, where is the suffering? Suffering is always something else. Then only you suffer. When your total being is there and this total being is empty, then there will be no trouble.

So understand this, that this is who you are already. This is your own nature.You are that. You are already your own nature. You are that. You do not have to attain or acquire it.


Wake Up and Roar
published by
Sounds True
Boulder, CO 80306

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