
The Return to Unity...

This is the great battle of the Universe, the tremendous conflict between Spirit and Matter. In this part of the Field is the point of balance. The Spirit, coming into innumerable relations with Matter, is at first over-powered; then comes the point of balance, when neither has the advantage over the other. Then slowly the Spirit begins to triumph over Matter, so that, at the end of this stage, Spirit is the master of Matter, and is ready for the ascent.

It is this turning point, this "point of balance" in the evolutionary cycle that Humanity on Earth has reached at the present time.
In the return phase now confronting us we will gradually learn to abandon individual self-assertion as we move towards the increasing light of cooperation and consideration of others, so that we may eventually live and work together as a harmoniously unified brotherhood.
This requires that we make a shift of consciousness away from the perception of self as an individual self-contained unit responsible only to itself. We need to develop a perception of self as a component of a wider grouping: harmonizing within the family and community, collaborating rather than competing in the productive service of our "work", respecting all of human life and ultimately all of Creation. We must learn to transmute our self-interest into care and concern for others, working together cooperatively with our fellow humans as well as the animal, vegetable and mineral kingdoms, not seeking to take advantage of another for one's own benefit.
The "return to unity" does not imply that the individual becomes "a cog in a wheel", but rather a wise, experienced, compassionate, thinking, contributing component of a wider, ultimately universal grouping. Though we are joining not separating, unifying not compartmentalizing, each Soul remains an individual consciousness enriched with its own personal accumulation of experience and wisdom.
Finally the soul returns to unity with all other lifeforms and the Creator, endowed now with a fully developed consciousness and awareness of life in all its myriad aspects, having above all learnt the understanding of both "right" and "wrong" which allows us to make informed decisions in accordance with the true direction of evolution. Thus we return to unity, but now aware of unity as individuals.

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