
The Dark Forces...

In our particular universe these Dark Forces are generally held in check by the stronger and more numerous Intergalactic Forces of Light. This has not been without drama however, and there have been some major inter-stellar battles in the universe between the Forces of Light and the Forces of Darkness. Ultimately however, the Forces of Light must always triumph, for this is the destiny of Creation.
Those who have given themselves to the Worlds of Darkness are also learning from their experience; eventually they tire of the constant conflict and depravity that exists in such narrow worlds and start to look upwards once again to the Realms of Light. As they begin to seek the Light, they will always be assisted by Higher Beings. These errant souls will eventually rediscover the true flow of evolution, returning much the wiser indeed, for even these extreme expressions of "evil" contribute to the knowledge, learning and experience which forms the very essence of evolution.
As we experience the wars and conflicts, between nations and ethnic or religious groups across the world, in politics and commerce at national or community level, and in our own families or within ourselves, we eventually come to a true understanding of the nature and fruitlessness of self-motivated aggression, of actions based purely on individual self-interest exercised at the expense of others.
In the growth of this realization, be it individually or collectively, we are coming to the end of the downward arc of evolution, the phase of competitive individuality.
This is the critical turning point, the point of balance, where downward movement into separateness and away from the Creator makes a turn, becoming the upward path to unity with the Creator and with all of life. From this point we begin to see the advantages of collaboration and cooperation, of mutual respect and mutual assistance as we begin the upward evolutionary phase, as we move towards an increased cooperation and a growing sense of unity with all Creation.
This point of turn is also, not surprisingly, the point of major conflict within each soul and collectively in societies and nations. At this critical time the choices inherent in our world of duality are magnified: Self versus Unity, and Spirit versus Matter. Here too the Forces of Darkness redouble their efforts to deflect us from the path to Unity.

1 comment:

OneEar said...

Do you have any mystic Rustian readings?