
The Service of the Logos...

During the upward arc, when differentiation has been finally accomplished by the division of the Divine Life into separate human entities, the tendency is towards unity, as well as towards greater spirituality. In this stage the Spirit, having learnt perfectly how to receive impressions through matter, and how to express itself through it, and having awakened its dormant powers, learns to use these powers rightly in the service of the Logos.
While the development of individuality is a necessary part of the process of evolution, we may wish to remind ourselves from time to time that fundamentally we are all a part of, and at one with all of Creation. This great truth is something we can easily forget, enmeshed as we are in a world of individuality and separateness. But the recollection of our true underlying unity with all Creation can give comfort in times of stress, providing a sense of context and reality as well as guidance.
We all are interlinked with one another and with all of life and all of Creation since we are all children of the same Creator, all made of the Creator's substance. We are also interlinked through a continuous "River of Thought"; for all the creations and experiences of ourselves and our fellow evolving souls at all levels are fed back into that River of Thought, back to the expansion of the Creator's awareness.
Thus we are all inter-linked both through a shared origin, and through the continuing River of Thought: humans with humans and with every particle, rock, plant, animal and insect. And we are all intimately linked with our Creator, for we are a part of His Life-substance, and He is always in touch with our every experience. We are our Creator, experiencing and learning from the journey of evolution.
Know that you are not - and never have been separate from your Source. You truly have never been separate from each other. You have never really been separate from all of the brothers and sisters you have on countless planets throughout your galaxies. You have never been separate from any creature of your planet. Not separate from your Sun and your Moon; not separate from any leaf, or blade of grass, or flower that blossoms in your garden. You have forgotten, that is all, and in your pain and in your judgment of who you are, you have closed down. You have forgotten that who you are is God/Goddess smelling the rose of the vibrancy and excitement of this dimension of reality.

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