

Creation is an expansion of the Creator's thought and self-awareness. Evolution is another aspect of this expansion. Through the process of Evolution, individual souls, each a part of the Creator's Consciousness, embark on a journey of exploration and growth, ultimately returning to unity with the Creator in the fullness of wisdom and experience.
The Soul's evolutionary journey begins with the development of an awareness of self as an individual entity. The ego-self gradually becomes more assertive, gaining strength and widening its field of exploration. As it descends into the worlds of density and matter, self-awareness becomes ego-centeredness, developing a desire for personal superiority and self-aggrandizement, perhaps gained through aggression and violence. When the possibilities of ego-development have been fully explored the soul begins its return journey, culminating in its eventual re-unification with the Creator as a fully evolved soul. Throughout this journey the individual soul is growing in knowledge, while the continuous feedback of evolving souls' experiences to the Godhead further expands the Creator's own knowledge and awareness.
Evolution is a process of learning and developing. On our journey we may take the short or the long route, we may take "right" paths and "wrong" paths; but ultimately every path is the right path, for all lead through experience back to Unity. Thus we are all evolving, learning, growing in wisdom and understanding whether we know it or not, whether we choose it or not, at whatever stage of the evolutionary cycle we may presently find ourselves. All experience be it "good" or "bad", even the "non-experience" of apparent stagnation, all is learning, and all learning contributes to growth and evolution.
Whilst the resultant accumulation of wisdom and understanding is ultimately rewarding, its lessons can be painful, particularly if they are not approached and accepted in the right spirit. A clear understanding of the process of evolution, together with its associated Law of Karma, or Cause and Effect, can clarify many of the human mysteries and frustrations of life on Earth, thus helping us to learn and to grow without unnecessary suffering.
The Evolutionary Cycle can be visualized in the form of an arc extending out from, then back to the Creator's Thought Center. There are thus two major phases in the total evolutionary "journey". The first is a movement away from Unity with the Creator, descending into worlds of greater density and complexity of matter, developing individuality and a sense of ego. At the bottom of the cycle the second phase begins: the return movement out of the dense worlds of matter as we begin to reject the more extreme forms of ego-centeredness and self-interest, seeking instead to join together once again in unity with all Creation and with our Creator.
As the evolving souls complete their evolutionary journey, they return to unity with the Godhead enriched with the deep wisdom gained through experiencing the alternatives of "good" and "evil", of ego-centeredness versus respect for and cooperation with others, of perceived short-term gain to self versus the universal path of Highest Wisdom. They are ready then to undertake further evolutionary service at higher levels on behalf of their Creator. As Higher Beings and Masters they may offer their advice and wisdom to individuals or worlds. Some will be entrusted with the high honor of ensouling a planetary body as a Planetary Being or the even higher office of a Sun Being. Thus Evolution becomes a continuation of Creation.
As we, the evolving souls, embark on the journey of evolution we are provided with the necessary "equipment' to facilitate the gaining of wisdom.

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