Prime Thought emanates from the Creator as a continuous "River of Thought" in the creation and sustenance of the Universe. Its basic nature is the magnetic quality of Love. Love is the cohesive force which the Creator projects throughout creation; it draws all creation back into the center of His Unity and reflects the essential nature of His Being. When this Love passes through individual souls it finds expression as emotion, the experience of feelings manifesting as positive and negative: love and hate, attraction and repulsion.
It is this positive-negative emotional experience which provides the impetus for the expansion of learning. Without the addition of feelings and emotion to pure thought, there would no awareness of "good" or "bad", no means of discrimination, no means of learning from life's mistakes and successes, and thus no evolutionary progression or expansion of the individual consciousness.
It is through the emotions that we experience the joys and the sorrows of our actions; it is through the emotions that we feel sympathy with others. It is through our emotions that we experience the kindness, and thoughtlessness of others. It is through the emotions, as well as the intellect, that we feel anger at perceived injustice, or approval of right conduct.
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