
The Evolving Souls.....

Having experienced the interactions of Spirit with Matter and the sensation of Self, the evolving souls eventually gain the wisdom necessary to choose the "right path" through their own experience and motivation. They can then begin their return to Unity with the Godhead and all other forms of Creation and thus complete this particular cycle of their evolution. It is to this strand of creation/evolution that we on Earth presently belong.
Creation is thus an ongoing process of continual birth and growth of ever-increasing diversity and complexity in which we, the human inhabitants of Earth, are not simply passive recipients but active co-creators. Indeed it is here on Planet Earth that the combination of extreme vibrational density with the gift of free choice gives us an even wider scope for the creation both of "good" and "evil".
This "gift" of free choice may be seen as a curse when we view the damage we have done with it. But we must also see the positive side of its potential as we recognize and develop man's individual Earth-bound creativity in the fields of architecture, art, music, literature and ideas. And even the "evil" that we do will teach us valuable lessons, resulting in an ever-deepening wisdom. Ultimately we must come to see free choice and our creative potential as those on higher levels already see it: a cosmic gift, given to us as an experiment in Divine Creation.
As we learn to discriminate between the Path of Self-interest and the Path of the Universal Law, so we grow in the wisdom of experience. With that wisdom we will ultimately become "qualified" to co-create on higher levels with the power, the privilege and the responsibility of independent judgment. Though this state of wisdom may as yet be a long way off, we may nevertheless hold it before us as an inspiration and a shining objective.
This Earth is a very special place. You have been given the supreme gifts of the God-head: divinity, creativity, and free choice. You are, in essence, Gods in the making and this Earth is a school for Gods. You are highly privileged to incarnate on her, to be a part of the school of Earth and to advance your spiritual consciousness through the exercise of those Cosmic talents. There are many beings on other planets who are not permitted to achieve consciousness in this way. You may now see why Earth is looked upon with envy by the other planets in the Solar System for they do not all possess that potential. You have, in fact, the potential and the destiny to outstrip every other plane of consciousness within this Solar Body if only you could but harness your being and direct it with wisdom and love.

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