
'You Are That '...

Please, Father, tell me more about this Self."

"Yes, dear one, I will," Uddalaka said.
"Place this salt in water and bring it here Tomorrow morning."
The boy did.

"Where is that salt?" his father asked.

“I do not see it."

"Sip here. How does it taste”

"Salty, Father."

"And here? And there?"

“I taste salt everywhere."

“It is everywhere, though we see it not.

Just as this, dear one, the Self is everywhere,

Within all things, although we see him not.
There is nothing that does not come from him.
Of everything he is the inmost Self.

He is the truth; he is the Self supreme.
You are that, Shvetaketu; you are that."

-Chandogya Upanishad,
Translated by Sri Eknath Easwaran.

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