
' From the Gospel of Thomas '...

If you seek for your Origin within your own consciousness,
you shall discover that the Infinite I AM is truly your own Presence.

And then your moment-to-moment life purpose
can be continuously revealed to you.

This guidance will activate your transformation out of ego constraints
and it will engender spiritual creativity.

This creativity, when operating in concert with Divine Initiative,
will create True Self expression, and the unfoldment of your divine destiny.

I was asked something recently, and I did not answer you then, but I want
to tell you now the secret of transformation that you asked about earlier. 92.

Unless you Abstain from the world and its ego-driven pursuits,
you will not find the quiet, yet expansive awareness in your Center.

Unless you honor and live the Sabbath Rest in everyday life –
I - The Decision: to Journey Back to the Light
resting from fearful worry, worldly lusts and the pursuit of “things”—
you will not see your Divine Soul as your living cause;
nor will you see your Holy Breath as it is –– a Nurturing Expandingness.

Both Soul and Breath, work In you As you to create True Self awareness.

Soul-Consciousness ... is the Divine Father Life within.

Spirit-Breath is the Divine Mother – a moving constructive life force
within. Meditation makes us one-with the Mind of Father God.

Divine Breath work makes us into Divine beings on Earth in true awareness.
This pure awareness will take dominion over your “appetites,”
instead of your appetites taking dominion over you.

Performing daily the simple sacred acts of Love with your Inner, does it.
This activity will transform the Entirety of your life experience.

-Thomas Olson

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