
' Love is Non-ego '...

For the average person, love is a manifestation of the violent, possessive doership of the ego.

Whereas for the spiritual person, it is not a sentiment at all, but a state of mind in which love exists to the degree in which the selfish element is transcended.

According to the average person, the desire for possession is the criterion, the touchstone of sincerity or reality by which love is to be judged.

Even the mother is accused of not loving her child if she is not particularly possessive towards her baby.

Love - the sentiment, and love - the non-affective state of mind, where a subject-object relationship does not exist, are infused by the same force.

Though basically not different, one is steeped in egoistic involvement, the other unaffected and pure.

The former is exemplified by the love of a man for a woman, the latter, sometimes called divine love or caritas, is a luminous pool of light and not a beam focused on one object at a time.

- Ramesh Balsekar

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