
' Become Very Wary '...

With whatever I find myself reading
just as you are now reading this,
I have found it wise to be very, very wary!


Because our old arrogant, egotistical nature
seeks out sustaining agreement with itself
and its distorted opinions.

The habitual, unregenerate intellect of us all
is seldom interested in aught but
shoring up its forged and fraudulent foundations.

When it finds a line or a paragraph
that agrees with its view of Reality,
it says, "Ah hah!" and underlines the words.

When it finds an idea repugnant
to its already established concept
(usually something that tends to demean, diminish
or finish the high and mighty ego),
it grunts and writes "Bosh!" in the margin.

How often we are amused by these notations
at a later reading!

When a book is successfully communicating,
one may not be as impressed with the same words
at the end as at the beginning.

Insights are nearly always expanded upon rereading,
and very often the boshes of the first reading
begin to make sense with the second.

-The above William Samuel quotes are from the book
Experience Your Perfect Soul.

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