
' The Body-Mind '...

"If there is a total knowing that the personality is not you, if you can "find" the frequency where that is fully seen/known (not the conceptual frequency but the energetic "zone") then attachment to the personality is broken.

When attachment to the personality is broken, the central "glue" breaks down.

Sometimes this attachment looks like responsibility in that there can be a sense that there is a responsibility to clean up the sticky parts of the personality, but note that responsibility comes with some ownership… that’s the hook!

The personality continues to be refined, but it is recognised to be purely consciousness refining itself.

This is a seeing, not a concept until we talk about it! Without any ownership, there is "nobody" involved. Old patterns are seen to be part of the fabric of the matrix...

dropping ALL sense of the personal and impersonal.

This totally shifts the landscape, and the breaking up of old patterns happens within that which is smooth and unperturbed.

Like the sea moving grains of sand on the shore, it’s a constant moving around, not only breaking down old patterns that used to help create an identity but also offering new habits to the body-mind that are required by the present environment.

New behaviors can come and they are tools required by consciousness to enable the body-mind to better function."

-Jac O'Keeffe

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