
' Bow to the Heart '...

Do not TRY to open your heart now.

That would be a subtle movement of aggression towards your immediate embodied experience.

Never tell a closed heart it must be more open; it will shut more tightly to protect itself, feeling your resistance.

A heart unfurls only when conditions are right; your demand for openness invites closure.

This is the supreme intelligence of the heart.

Instead, bow to the heart in its current state.

If it's closed, let it be closed; sanctify the closure.

Make it safe; safe even to feel unsafe.

Trust that when the heart is ready, and not a moment before, it will open, like a flower in the warmth of the sun.

There is no rush for the heart.

Trust the opening and the closing too; the expansion and the contraction; this is the heart's way of breathing; safe, unsafe, safe, unsafe; the beautiful fragility of being human; and all held in the most perfect love.

~ Jeff Foster

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