
' This is our work today '...

The message for our times is: "The day of professional spirituality is past.

It has bred religious hypocrisy and mystical futility.

The day of a spiritualized mundane existence is here.

We are to live in the world but not be of it.

We are to set aside an hour a day for meditation and reflection but to attend to all other duties the rest of the day.

Thus we shall have the chance which ascetics and monks lack, of translating spiritual ideas into spiritual deeds.

The attraction toward the divine need not mean repulsion from the world.

There is room in human life for both the heavenly and the earthly.

To deepen knowledge and increase beauty, to spread compassion and to uplift man--this is our work today."

-- Notebooks Category 20: What Is Philosophy? > Chapter 1:
Toward Defining Philosophy > # 425 Paul Brunton

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