
' Taoism and Dzogchen '...

I want to share with all of us about some insights through thogal practice that have arisen here:

There is a condition of utter clarity and transparency that is absent completely of any sense of there being a perceiver or observer. When seeing trees or clouds for example; there are just vivid trees and clouds with no subject owning the perceptions. It's a moment of total openness with no one in a central position that the visual experiences are occurring to.

Along with that naked perception is the wisdom that no self ever existed as an experiencer of life. There is just life happening, but for no one.

It's like you have a pair of colored glasses that when you put them on, everything is seen through the lenses that color experience and perception as "I am seeing" and "I am experiencing". All perceptions and experiences now seem like "yours". But if you pop the glasses off suddenly, seeing is then taking place minus the sense that "you" are the one seeing, there is just naked perception occurring for no one. That is what Nagarjuna means when he says "the perceiver is an illusion".

Now my point and advice is; the practice of thogal triggers this pure impersonal "seeing" automatically. Then the insights regarding "anatta" or "no self" arise spontaneously. I believe the main cause is the exposure to full sunlight coming into the eyes. Here's why:

To use Taoist yoga theory and terminology; the eyes are pure "yang", the mind and body are completely yin. The sun is the strongest source of pure yang. By flooding sunlight into the eyes the natural yang of the eyes overflows and transforms the yin mind which includes the illusion of a "me-self", into pure yang. That is the moment of authentic rigpa, which Taoists call "Shen". Shen and rigpa are described identically in both systems and in both are located behind and in the eyes.

In Taoism when that process continues further and deeper, all the subtle yin pranas as well as the physical body are fully transformed into pure yang. When the yin physical body is transformed fully into pure yang, which is a pure light of five colors, the physical body vanishes and an indestructible "diamond body" appears as the vehicle or radiant display of one's rigpa consciousness. Hundreds of Taoist adepts are recorded to have achieved this full transformation including Lao Tzu. They are then known as "Immortals". That is the sole purpose and goal of Taoist yoga. From there they go further and transform the "body of light" into Great Emptiness and from Great Emptiness they realize the Tao.

In Dzogchen we would say the karmic (yin) mind and karmic (yin) body are transformed into their essential and primordially pure energies (yang) and light (pure yang). But both systems emphasize sun gazing practices to bring about the full energetic liberation into Original Light.

From the view of quantum bio-physics, we could say thogal or sun gazing triggers a quantum coherent state of consciousness through a massive exposure to quantum photons, that transforms the brain and physical body into a fully quantum coherent state in total synchrony with the quantum awareness state (rigpa). This is when ESP begins to manifest as there is no longer a limit to one's non-local quantum consciousness. The body/mind no longer follows the rules of classical physics but is now fully quantum in nature and function.

-Jackson Peterson

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