
' Awareness '...

Being aware of awareness or resting as awareness is the key....

Investigating, looking at, lovingly contemplating awareness, is investigating, looking at, contemplating the universal Self/God.

Awareness is quite simply, always present here and now and everywhere at the same time.

It is omnipresent. It’s not anything that your mind can grasp. It’s the ground of being itself, in which everything that is....

arises and ceases. All your thoughts, emotions, every animal and person and mountain and tree and river, and every singe experience you can ever have, appears and disappears in awareness.

Awareness is "God". So looking at, gazing lovingly at awareness is contemplative prayer.

On the most profound and deepest level...

What you are and what I am and what everyone and everything is.....

Awareness Itself.

We are ALL the same awareness taking many different forms.

-Francis Fran Bennett

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