
' Anatta '...

Here is what’s experienced here; it’s not enough to have an insight into the empty nature of self felt as “me”, but that “me” has to cease.

It’s not good enough to understand or have this insight.

When the “me” self suddenly ceases being projected by the subconscious (karmic)mind, this absence of self reveals a consciousness that has no owner as “my” consciousness, has no center or boundary.

In this moment no one exists to whom karma or suffering, death or fear could apply; not because “you” now can see through or see the empty nature of all such phenomena, but rather there is no self present processing information in relation to a “me”.

This is real anatta.

At this point, the seeker, the search, and the path suddenly become absent. However, I don’t see any Dharma path prioritizing this, and very few that became “absent” from any path.

All effort through a path and practices is a waste of time, because no personal self has ever existed; only thoughts about one has. Our “self” felt as “me” is no more real than the identity as a “me” in last night’s dream.

-Jackson Peterson‎ to Dzogchen Thogal

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