
' What then are you ? '...

“It is so very easy to get confused by all the various teachings and descriptions of awakening. It’s very important to stay focused on one thing at a time and not to try to make sense of the many different spiritual teachings.

Since awakening relates to the reality of you, it will be best to focus only on that for now. To stay with one simple instruction in a sustained way is a challenge in and of itself. The mind is so addicted to believing that by collecting more and more information you will attain some advantage. However, in matters of the spirit less is often more. With this in mind, let me give you a simple instruction:

Come to see that any idea, image, memory, role, or bodily feeling is not truly you but rather, they are experiences that arise within you. They all occur within awareness. Look to see, is there someone who is aware, or is awareness aware?

What then are you?

Be still and don’t think about it. Simply observe. Rest and abide in the sense and presence of awareness. Keep it simple. Put all other questions aside and focus on direct experience rather than mental commentary or speculation.”

~ Adyashanti

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