
' Jackson Peterson: A Deterministic Reality '...

The perfect wisdom of the Buddha Mind is what is projecting all that is experienced.

As clairvoyance develops one can see what is already determined to happen in the future, as I described in the first chapter of my book.

One also gains the ability to see clearly what happened in the past, including past lives as I also described as actual experiences.

The entirety of past and future is already “written” within the Crystal Prism (wisdom data-bank, wave function) contained within the space of the Wisdom Eye just behind the forehead which includes both eyes. By developing and activating the “third eye” or Wisdom Eye, one can access this information.

The light from the heart rises through the subtle light channel of the “kati” and illuminates the “movie frames” within the Wisdom Eye that then project outward as our multi-colored 3D experience and inward as our inner mental experience. The movie of our lives is already complete and finished. We are only illuminating it frame by frame, which ultimately reveals the total perfection of its design.

There is no free-will or autonomous action possible, yet it can fully feel like there is; that’s the beauty of the design.

Whatever you think or feel or do, is always simply that pre-determined movie frame being illuminated. All “cause and effect” are already in the script with no actors originating any actions of their own.

Because it’s only the movie of the Great Perfection playing, the movie contains no defects. So one can completely relax, but only if total relaxation is written in the script.

But remember, it’s just a movie, a projection of empty images that seem so real. When attention releases from the movie projections, then attentive consciousness reverts back to the projector itself; then what is being shared here, is fully known.

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