
' Love gives meaning '...

"Love is the reflection of God's unity in the world of duality.

It constitutes the entire significance of creation.

If love is excluded from life, all the souls in the world assume complete externality to each other and the only possible relations and contacts in such a loveless world are superficial and mechanical.

It is because of love that the contacts and relations between individual souls become significant.

It is love which gives meaning and value to all the happenings in the world of duality.

But, while love gives meaning to the world of duality, it is at the same time a standing challenge to duality.

As love gathers strength, it generates creative restlessness and becomes the main driving power of that spiritual dynamic which ultimately succeeds in restoring to consciousness the original unity of being."

Meher Baba
San Francisco: Sufism Reoriented, 6th ed., 1967, vol. 1. p. 164

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