
' You '...

Have “you” ever looked at what this “you” really is? Isn’t the “you” merely a belief? Granted, it may be a very strongly-held belief. You may believe there is a “you” much more than you believe there is an Easter Bunny. But what is the difference between you and the Easter Bunny? Both are beliefs, aren’t they?

In directing your attention to this “you,” I am talking about the idea of you, the story of you that lives in time and that has a past and a future. Is that “you” anything more than an idea or set of ideas?

If you walk away after reading this reflection and totally drop the “I” thought as you are cleaning the bathroom, where did that “I” thought go? Where is this “you” during those moments when there is just presence? In presence, your entire past and future vanishes.

The realization of your own absence is the most liberating thing. It reveals that all your regrets, resentments, worries, complaints and anxieties are nothing more than little subplots to a movie called “you.” In total presence, the movie and all its little plots are seen to be unreal—merely thought. What is left is your true nature as love, compassion, peace, clarity, and joy.

-Kiloby, Scott. Reflections of the One Life: Daily Pointers to Enlightenment

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