
' The whole story '...

Non-dual realization is often considered to be the recognition of emptiness (also called pure awareness, space, formlessness or nothingness). That emptiness is your true nature in the deepest sense. The recognition of it is vital to realization.

However, emptiness isn’t the whole story. Emptiness can easily turn into a denial of form. It’s a trap. As necessary as the recognition of emptiness is, emptiness is moving as, and not independent of, every thought, emotion, experience, and state. This is when the emptiness is seen as totally full. This is when form and formlessness collapse, when the boundary between them is seen as purely conceptual, and all that is left is life living itself simply, naturally, and compassionately through you. This is when enlightenment is not about escaping. It's about seeing that your true nature is “not of this world” which paradoxically allows you to be totally “in this world” in a new way.

Emptiness is the essence of all form. The experience of “nothing arising” is merely a passing, temporary state. Realization is not about fixating in the idea of emptiness, absence, or “no self” or about maintaining a space free of the happenings of everyday life.

Non-duality is everyday life. This book is an invitation first to the recognition of emptiness as the source and then to the seeing that this source is appearing as everything. This is life, vitally full, alive, loving, and free.

-Kiloby, Scott. Reflections of the One Life: Daily Pointers to Enlightenment

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