
' Uncompromising expressions of non-duality? '...

Some non-duality teachings claim to be “uncompromising non-dual expressions” in some attempt to set themselves apart from the apparent “compromising non-dual expressions.” The mind just likes to pick a dualistic position. “Uncompromising” exists only in relation to “compromising.” Even the idea, “Oneness,” exists only in relation to the idea of “twoness” or the idea of “many.” As soon as thought arises, it takes a dualistic position in relation to some other position. Positions exist only in relation or opposition to one another.

The One is uncompromisingly expressing itself as everything from a bird flying through the air, to a toilet flushing, to a preacher preaching the Bible, to an “uncompromising non-dual expression,” to a “compromising non-dual expression.”

This does not mean that all ideas are equal, which would—itself—be an idea claiming to be truer than other ideas. It is only to point out that the dream self will attach to anything to maintain separateness including the idea that it “gets” non-duality and that the others “don’t get it.” Every single thing you see, touch, taste, hear, smell, do, and feel is an uncompromising expression of the One.

Only the illusory separate self attempting to set itself apart would be interested in convincing others that its particular expression of “Oneness” is more important than the bird, toilet, preacher, or some other teaching. When the energy of convincing falls away, there is only clarity, peace, and love.

-Kiloby, Scott. Reflections of the One Life: Daily Pointers to Enlightenment

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