
' When liberation is seen '...

You have to understand this is just metaphor, just the closest
I can get in language to something impossible to describe. Try to
imagine a translucent energy of awareness which is everywhere,
and imagine that being coagulated down into a very precise personal awareness in a particular space.

Now it seems that we are here in this particular space and these are our thoughts being generated by our mind. In a sense this is what the contracted feel­ing of being an individual is like. But it's not likely to be perceived
in this way because the person has always lived with that feeling
since the first moment they became self-conscious, so It's prob­ably never been noticed. It's like not noticing the wallpaper that we've always lived with. Nevertheless we may feel uncomfortable in ourself, self-conscious, or even tormented.

When liberation is seen, this sense of tightness and contraction can dissipate. It can simply disappear in a moment. But what's
left is still a sense of localization unless liberation coincides with
physical death.

The body-mind organism still exists, probably
complete with its character, its personality traits and its preferences. This all remains. It is Oneness appearing as a body-mind.

-Richard Sylvester from The Book of No One

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