
The impersonal seeing...

That is what I mean by being transformed. The Hindu word is paravritti. It means the whole viewing gets changed. The Greek word is metanoesis, meaning a transformation of the point of view.

The seeing, from personal seeing, becomes a perfect seeing, the impersonal seeing. The impersonal seeing means seeing this body-mind organism as part of the total life and living, part of the total dream.

So it is not that after enlightenment there is total disidentification with the organism. There cannot be, because organism still functions. There has to be a working mind operating element.

But the understanding is that the operating element is part of the mechanism of the organism that the functioning element is the Consciousness ma the operating element operate. That is what makes sentience operate the senses.

With that understanding, what is disidentified?

It is the sense of personal doership.

-Consciousness Speaks - Ramesh Balsekar p.206

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