
At One with the Tao...

Empty yourself of everything.
Let the mind become still.

The ten thousand things rise and fall while the Self watches their return.
They grow and flourish and then return to the source.

Returning to the source is stillness, which is the way of nature.
The way of nature is unchanging.
Knowing constancy is insight.

Not knowing constancy leads to disaster.
Knowing constancy, the mind is open.
With an open mind, you will be openhearted.

Being openhearted, you will act royally.
Being royal, you will attain the divine.

Being divine, you will be at one with the Tao.
Being at one with the Tao is eternal.
And though the body dies, the Tao will never pass away.

- Lao-tzu

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Tao Te Ching
Translation by Gia-fu Feng and Jane English
Vintage Books Edition, September 1972

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