
Infinite Divine Consciousness...

Wednesday night, as a lay down to go to sleep, I asked, “Father speak for thy instrument heareth,” and this came to me: I myself am infinite divine Consciousness. I am everywhere, I am every when, I am every one and these are all one and that one is I am. And then so quietly I almost missed it, I heard this: I am not in a body, a mental image. I am every where, I am every when, I am every one. I am Omnipresent and I am infinite and I am not incarnated!

I sat up and I stared into the darkness. Oh my God! I am not incarnated. I am not incarnated. I am not incarnated. I have never incarnated, I cannot reincarnate. Everywhere, every when, every one, I, infinite I, cannot be confined in the tomb of mortality. I am not in that tomb. I am outside of that tomb. I have never been entombed. I cannot be entombed. I cannot be incarnated. I myself am infinite divine Consciousness. I cannot be entombed. Look, look again. I am outside of that.

I was never born, I cannot die. It’s time to rise up into that which I am. I myself am infinite divine Consciousness. I am not in a tomb called mortality. That is a mental image; a nothingness. I am outside of it. I am everywhere, I am every when, I am all that is. I Am that I Am. I am the Word appearing as form and my form is eternal, made of My substance, of the substance that I am and I can lay it down and pick it up again. I can move it outside of this building. I can move it through walls. I can move it to other planets. I, yes even I, am God. There is no other.

- Bill Skiles

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